I am degreed in Veterinary Medicine with Extraordinary Award at the University of Cordoba (UCO), where I obtained a FPU fellowship to do my PhD looking at the immunopathogenesis of the Bovine respiratory disease complex through in vivo experimental models. My PhD received international mention and the Extraordinary PhD Award in 2012, being also awarded with the Caja Rural del Sur Foundation prize for the «Best I+D+i Project in agri-food activity». I enjoyed several research stays in the National Veterinary Institute of Sweden (2 months), University of Milan (UNIMI) (3 months) and University of Santiago de Compostela (3 months). I got a competitive post-doctoral contract for 24 months funded by Alfonso Martín Escudero Foundation at the Dpt. of Veterinary Medicine in the UNIMI, working with in vitro models of viral infections. Subsequently, I obtained a Juan de la Cierva Incorporation contract to be enjoyed at the Spanish Wildlife Research Institute (IREC). During this period, I was responsible for animal experimentation and immunopathogenic studies carried out by SaBio research group to evaluate the protection of new vaccines against zoonotic diseases. For this purpose, I carried out several research stays in the Health Surveillance Centre (VISAVET) and the Area of Microbial and Immunogenetic Immunology of the Carlos III Health Institute (18 months in total). Later, I gained a competitive Sara Borrell contract funded by Carlos III Health Institute to carry out projects within the field of human infectious diseases of zoonotic origin in the Clinical virology and zoonoses research group at Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research of Cordoba (IMIBIC). My principal research line was the study of the pathogenesis, as well as main risk factors for the transmission of viral zoonoses. Then, I obtained a competitive post-doctoral contract from the Own Research Plan of the UCO, where I currently work as Assistant Professor in the Dpt. of Pathological Anatomy, establishing new research lines about immunopathology, diagnosis and control of zoonoses shared by wild and domestic animals (Tuberculosis and Hepatitis E). During my research career I have worked in 8 scientifically outstanding European research centers and established collaboration links with 9 additional research institutions. I have participated in several national and international research consortia which have given rise to 17 competitive projects (2 funded by EU). Moreover, I have participated in 8 R&D contracts with private business (2 of them as principal researcher). Currently, I am principal researcher (IP) in 3 Research Projects. I’ve published more than 85 peer-reviewed scientific publications in JCR journals, 16 divulgation papers, 2 books and 10 book chapters. My research activity has produced 1 European patent (and an additional one submitted). I’m author of 124 conference papers with up to 9 awards for the best communication. Moreover, I have participated as chairman and member of organizing committees. I also serve as scientific regular reviewer for 12 indexed journals. I have supervised 4 PhD (1 of them with Extraordinary PhD Award), as well as 6 MSc final projects and 6 VMD final projects. In addition, I have imparted more than 700 hours teaching in Veterinary Medicine Degree and in the Master of Medicine, Health and Animal Welfare at UCO.